1. 近三年主持和主要参与的纵向科研项目
(1)国家自然科学基金青年基金—水铁矿还原溶解–矿相转化过程中矿物结合态有机磷的微生物降解与释放机制NSFC 42102290:项目主持人(2022-2024年)。
(1)Zhang L., Sun Y.J., Xu Z.M.*, Liu F.*, Transformation kinetics and mechanism of gibberellic acid with ferrihydrite: Building a novel adsorption-transformation multi-step kinetic model, Chemosphere, 2022, 292: 133194.
(2)孙亚军,张莉,徐智敏,陈 歌,赵先鸣,李 鑫,高雅婷,张尚国,朱璐璐. 煤矿区矿井水水质形成与演化的多场作用机制及研究进展.煤炭学报,2022,47(1) : 423-437.
(3)Zhang, L., Xu Z.M.*, Sun Y.J., Gao, Y.T., Zhu, L.L., Coal Mining Activities Driving the Changes in Microbial Community and Hydrochemical Characteristics of Underground Mine Water. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 13359.
(4)张莉,刘菲*,袁慧卿,梁凯旋.地下水抽出处理技术研究进展与展望.现代地质, 2022, DOI: 10.19657/j.geoscience.1000-8527.2022.030.
(5)Zhang L., Sun Y.J., Xu Z.M., Zhang W.J., Huang G.X., Liu F.*, Chen L.*, Insights into pH-dependent transformation of gibberellic acid in aqueous solution: Transformation pathway, mechanism and toxicity estimation. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021, 104: 1-10.
(6)张玉卓,徐智敏,张莉,等. 山东新巨龙煤矿区场地高 TDS 地下水水化学特征及成因机制[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2021, 49(5): 52-62.
(7)Zhang L., Chen L., Huang G.X., Liu F.*, Gibberellic acid surface complexation on ferrihydrite at different pH values: Outer-sphere complexes versus inner-sphere complexes. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 650: 741-748.
(8)Zhang L., Liu F.*, Chen L., Sorption specificity and desorption hysteresis of gibberellic acid on ferrihydrite compared to goethite, hematite, montmorillonite, and kaolinite. Environmental Science & Pollution Research International, 2017, 24(23): 19068-19075.
(9)Zhang L., Chen L., Liu F.*, Mutual Effect on Determination of Gibberellins and Glyphosate in Groundwater by Spectrophotometry. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2015, 35(4): 966-970.
(10)孙佳玉, 张莉, 杨新敏, 刘菲*, 纳米铁在无扰动厌氧水环境中的腐蚀过程研究.环境科学学报, 2018, 5(38):1893-1898.
(11)宋欢,罗锡明*,张莉,何宝南,李佳蔚,王一鹏, 微塑料对水中甲基橙的吸附特征分析.地学前缘, 2019, 26:1-9.