1. 科研项目
(1) Xiang Lei, Schoepfer S.D., Yuan Dong-xun, Zheng Quan-feng, Zhang Hua, 2021. Oceanic redox evolution across the end-Permian mass extinction at Penglaitan section, South China. Palaeoworld, in press.
(2) Zhang Lei, Wu Jun, Yuan Dong-xun, Marie-Beatrice Forel, Chang Shan, Maliha Zareen, Khan, Feng Qinglai, He Weihong, Ma Qiangfen, Taniel Danelian, Martial Caridroit, Tsuyoshi Ito, 2021. Integrated Radiolarian and Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Middle to Late Permian Linghao Formation in Northwestern Guangxi, South China. Acta Geologica Sinica, in press.
(3) Qiao Feng, Zhang Yi-chun, Wang Yue, Yuan Dong-xun, Ju Qi, Xu Hai-peng, Zhang Hua, Zheng Quan-feng, Cai Yao-feng, Hou Zhang-shuai, Shen Shu-zhong, 2021. An updated age of Permian strata in the Raggyorcaka and Qamdo areas, Tibet and their paleogeographic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 582: 110660.
(4) Yuan Dong-xun, Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson C.M., Lambert L.L., Hearst J.M., Zhang Yi-chun, Chen Jun, Qie Wen-kun, Zhang Hua, Wang Xiang-dong, Qi Yu-ping, Wu Qiong, 2021. Reinvestigation of the Wordian-base GSSP section, West Texas, USA. Newsletters On Stratigraphy, 54: 301-315.
(5) Wang Wen-qian, Katchinoff J.A.R., Claudio G., Immenhauser A., Zheng Quan-feng, Zhang Yi-chun, Yuan Dong-xun, Shi Yu-kun, Wang Jiuyuan, Planavsky N., Shen Shu-zhong, 2021. Revisiting the Permian seawater 87Sr/86Sr record: New perspectives from brachiopod proxy data and stochastic oceanic box models. Earth-Science Reviews, 218: 103679.
(6) Chernykh V.V., Chuvashov B.I., Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson C.M., Yuan Dong-xun, Stephenson M.H., 2020. The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base-Sakmarian Stage (Cisuralian, Lower Permian). Episodes, 43: 961-979.
(7) Shen Shu-zhong, Yuan Dong-xun (共同通讯作者), Henderson C.M., Wu Qiong, Zhang Yi-chun, Zhang Hua, Mu Lin, Ramezani J., Wang Xiang-dong, Lambert L.L., Erwin D.H., Hearst J.M., Xiang Lei, Chen Bo, Fan Jun-xuan, Wang Yue, Wang Wen-qian, Qi Yu-ping, Chen Jun, Qie Wen-kun, Wang Tian-tian, 2020. Progresses, problems and prospects: An overview of the Guadalupian Series of South China and North America. Earth-Science Reviews, 211: 103412.
(8) Chen Jun, Shen Shu-zhong, Zhang Yi-chun, Angiolini L., Gorgij M.N., Crippa G., Wang Wei, Zhang Hua, Yuan Dong-xun, Li Xian-hua, Xu Yi-gang. Abrupt warming in the latest Permian detected using high-resolution in situ oxygen isotopes of conodont apatite from Abadeh, central Iran. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 560: 109973.
(9) 安显银, 张予杰, 朱同兴, 张以春, 袁东勋, 李俊, 2020. 西藏聂拉木三叠系土隆群-曲龙共巴组稳定碳同位素组成及对比. 地球科学, 45: 2964-2977.
(10) Zhong Yu-ting, Mundil R., Chen Jun, Yuan Dong-xun, Denyszyn S.W., Jost A.B., Payne J.L., He Bin, Shen Shu-zhong, Xu Yi-gang, 2020. Geochemical, biostratigraphic, and high-resolution geochronological constraints on the waning stage of Emeishan Large Igneous Province. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132: 1969-1986.
(11) Yuan Dong-xun, Kyi Pyar Aung, Henderson C.M., Zhang Yi-chun, Than Zaw, Cai Fulong, Ding Lin, Shen Shu-zhong, 2020. First records of Early Permian conodonts from eastern Myanmar and implications of paleobiogeographic links to the Lhasa Block and northwestern Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 549: 109363.
(12) Wang Wen-qian, Claudio G., Zhang Fei-fei, Zheng Quan-feng, Zhang Yi-chun, Yuan Dong-xun, Shi Yu-kun, Chen Bo, Shen Shu-zhong, 2020. A high-resolution Middle to Late Permian paleotemperature curve reconstructed using oxygen isotopes of well-preserved brachiopod shells. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 540: 116245.
(13) Xiang Lei, Zhang Hua, Schoepfer S.D., Cao Chang-qun, Zheng Quan-feng, Yuan Dong-xun, Cai Yao-feng, Shen Shu-zhong, 2020. Oceanic redox evolution around the end-Permian mass extinction at Meishan, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 544: 109626.
(14) Wu Qiong, Ramezani J., Zhang Hua, Yuan Dong-xun, Douglas Erwin, Henderson C.M., Lance, L. Lambert, Zhang Yi-chun, Shen Shu-zhong, 2020. High-precision U-Pb zircon age constraints on the Guadalupian in West Texas, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 548: 109668.
(15) Hou Zhang-shuai, Fan Jun-xun, Henderson C.M., Yuan Dong-xun, Shen Bo-heng, Wu Jie, Wang Yue, Zheng Quan-feng, Zhang Yi-chun, Wu Qiong, Shen Shu-zhong, 2020. Dynamic palaeogeographic reconstructions of the Wuchiapingian Stage (Lopingian, Late Permian) for the South China Block. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 546: 109667.
(16) Yang Jiang-hai, Peter A. Cawood, Isabel P. Montanez, Daniel J. Condon, Du Yuan-sheng, Yan Jia-xin, Yan Shao-quan, Yuan Dong-xun, 2020. Enhanced continental weathering and large igneous province induced climate warming at the Permo-Carboniferous transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 534: 116074.
(17) Fan Jun-xuan, Shen Shu-zhong, Douglas Erwin, Peter M. Sadler, Norman MacLeod, Cheng Qiu-ming, Hou Xu-dong, Yang Jiao, Wang Xiang-dong, Wang Yue, Zhang Hua, Chen Xu, Li Guo-xiang, Zhang Yi-chun, Shi Yu-kun, Yuan Dong-xun, Chen Qing, Zhang Lin-na, Li Chao, Zhao Ying-ying, 2020. A high-resolution summary of Cambrian to Early Triassic marine invertebrate biodiversity. Science, 367: 272-277.
(18) Shen Shu-zhong, Zhang Yi-chun, Yuan Dong-xun, Zheng Quan-feng, Zhang Hua, Mu Lin, Hou Zhang-shuai, Wang Wen-qian, Shen Bo-heng, Cai Yao-feng, 2020. Progress report: location of the replacement section for the base-Lopingian GSSP. Permophiles, 68: 24-28.
(19) Zhang Yi-chun, Shen Shu-zhong, Xu Hai-peng, Qiao Feng, Yuan Dong-xun, Ju Qi, 2020. Recent progress and future perspectives in the application of Permian palaeobiogeography in the reconstruction of the palaeogeography of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and adjacent regions. Permophiles, 68: 20-24.
(20) Bagherpour B., Bucher H., Vennemann T., Schneebeli-Hermann E., Yuan Dong-xun., Leu M., Zhang Chao, Shen Shu-zhong, 2020. Are Late Permian carbon isotope excursions of local or of global significance? Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132: 521-544.
(21) Zhang Xi-yang, Wang Wen-qian, Yuan Dong-xun, Zhang Hua, Zheng Quan-feng, 2020. Stromatolite-dominated microbialites at the Permian-Triassic boundary of the Xikou section in South Qinling, China. Palaeoworld, 29: 126-136.
(22) 张以春, 张予杰, 袁东勋, 徐海鹏, 乔枫. 2020. 班公湖-怒江洋打开时间的地层古生物约束. 岩石学报, 35: 3083-3096.
(23) Yuan Dong-xun, Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson C.M., Chen Jun, Zhang Hua, Zheng Quan-feng, Wu Huaichun, 2019. Integrative timescale for the Lopingian (Late Permian): A review and update from Shangsi, South China. Earth-Science Reviews, 188: 190-209.
(24) Zhang Yi-chun, Chen Ji-tao, Zhang, Hua, Liu Feng, Zheng Quan-feng, Luo Mao, Yuan Dong-xun, Yao Le, Xu Hai-peng, Hou Zhang-shuai, Shen Shu-zhong, Muhammad Qasim, Aneela Aurang Zeb, 2019. Report of the Chinese-Pakistan working group: The Permian-Triassic boundary sections of the Salt Range. Permophiles, 67: 36-39.
(25) Shen Shu-zhong, Ramezani J., Chen Jun, Cao Chang-qun, Erwin D.H., Zhang Hua, Xiang Lei, Schoepfer S.D., Henderson C.M., Zheng Quan-feng, Bowring S.A., Wang Yue, Li Xian-hua, Wang Xiang-dong, Yuan Dong-xun, Zhang Yi-chun, Mu Lin, Wang Jun, Wu Ya-sheng, 2019. A sudden end-Permian mass extinction in South China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 131: 205-223.
(26) Shen Shu-zhong, Zhang Hua, Zhang Yi-chun, Yuan Dong-xun, Chen Bo, He Wei-hong, Mu Lin, Lin Wei, Wang Wen-qian, Chen Jun, Wu Qiong, Cao Chang-qun, Wang Yue, Wang Xiang-dong, 2019. Permian integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China Earth Science, 62: 154-188.
(27) Yuan Dong-xun, Zhang Yi-chun, Shen Shu-zhong, 2018. Conodont succession and reassessment of major events around the Permian-Triassic boundary at the Selong Xishan section, southern Tibet, China. Global and Planetary Change, 161: 194-210.
(28) Bagherpour B., Bucher H., Yuan Dong-xun., Leu M., Zhang Chao, Shen Shu-zhong, 2018. Early Wuchiapingian (Lopingian, late Permian) drowning event in the South China block suggests a late eruptive phase of Emeishan large Igneous Province. Global and Planetary Change, 169: 119-132.
(29) Xu Hai-peng, Cao Chang-qun., Yuan Dong-xun, Zhang Yi-chun., Shen Shu-zhong, 2018. Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopod faunas from the Qubuerga Formation at Tulong and Kujianla in the MT. Everest Area of Southern TIBET, China. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 124: 139-162.
(30) Yang Jianghai, Cawood P., Du Yuansheng, Condon D.J., Yan Jiaxin, Liu J.Z., Huang Y., Yuan Dong-xun, 2018. Early Wuchiapingian cooling linked to Emeishan basaltic weathering? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 492: 102-111.
(31) 安显银, 张予杰, 朱同兴, 张以春, 袁东勋, 2018. 西藏色龙西山二叠系-三叠系界线剖面稳定碳同位素特征. 地球科学, 43: 2848-2857.
(32) Yuan Dong-xun, Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson C.M., 2017. Revised Wuchiapingian conodont taxonomy and succession of South China. Journal of Paleontology, 91: 1199-1219.
(33) Yuan Dong-xun, Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson C.M., 2017. Base-Sakmarian GSSP: additional points supporting a proposal to use the FAD of Mesogondolella monstra. Permopholes, 64: 8-9.
(34) Dudas F.O., Yuan Dong-xun, Shen Shu-zhong, Bowring S.A., 2017. A conodont-based revision of the 87Sr/86Sr seawater curve across the Permian-Triassic boundary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 470: 40-53.
(35) Wu Qiong, Ramezani J., Zhang Hua, Wang, Tian-tian, Yuan Dong-xun, Mu Lin, Zhang Yi-chun, Li Xian-hua, Shen Shu-zhong, 2017. Calibrating the Guadalupian Series (Middle Permian) of South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 466: 361-372.
(36) Yuan Dong-xun, Zhang Yi-chun, Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson C.M., Zhang Yu-jie, Zhu Tong-xing, An Xian-yin, Feng Hong-zhen, 2016. Early Permian conodonts from the Xainza area, central Lhasa Block, Tibet and their palaeobiogeographical and palaeoclimatic implications. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 14: 365-383.
(37) Shen Shu-zhong, Sun Tian-ren, Zhang Yi-chun, Yuan Dong-xun, 2016. An upper Kungurian/Lower Guadalupian (Permian) brachiopod fauna from the Southern Qiangtang Block in Tibet and its palaeobiogeographical implications. Palaeoworld, 25(4): 519-538.
(38) Chen Jun, Shen Shu-zhong, Li Xian-hua, Xu Yi-gang, Joachimski M.M., Bowring S.A., Erwin D.H., Yuan Dong-xun, Chen Bo, Zhang Hua, Wang Yue, Cao Chang-qun, Zheng Quan-feng, Mu Lin, 2016. High-resolution SIMS oxygen isotope analysis on conodont apatite from South China and implications for the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 448: 26-38.
(39) Zhang Yi-chun, Shen Shu-zhong, Zhai Qing-guo, Zhang Yu-jie, Yuan Dong-xun, 2016. Discovery of a Sphaeroschwagerina fusuline fauna from the Raggyorcaka Lake area, northern Tibet: implications for the origin of the Qiangtang Metamorphic Belt. Geological Magazine, 153(3): 537-543.
(40) Xiang Lei, Shane D.S., Zhang Hua, Yuan Dong-xun, Cao Chang-qun, Zheng Quan-feng, Henderson C.M., Shen Shu-zhong, 2016. Oceanic redox evolution across the end-Permian mass extinction at Shangsi, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 448: 59-71.
(41) Yuan Dong-xun, Chen Jun, Zhang Yi-chun, Zheng Quan-feng, Shen Shu-zhong, 2015. Changhsingian conodont succession and the end-Permian mass extinction event at the Daijiagou section in Chongqing, Southwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105: 234-251.
(42) Yuan Dong-xun, Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson C.M., Chen Jun, Zhang Hua, Feng Hong-zhen, 2014. Revised conodont-based integrated high-resolution timescale for the Changhsingian Stage and end-Permian extinction interval at the Meishan sections, South China. Lithos, 204: 220-245.
(43) Yuan Dong-xun, Zhang Yi-chun, Zhang Yu-jie, Zhu Tong-xing, Shen Shu-zhong, 2014. First records of Wuchiapingian (Late Permian) conodonts in the Xainza area, Lhasa Block, Tibet, and their palaeobiogeographic implications. Alcheringa, 38: 546-556.
(44) Yang Bo, Yuan Dong-xun, Henderson C.M., Shen Shuzhong, 2014. Parafurnishius, an Induan (Lower Triassic) conodont new genus fromnortheastern Sichuan Province, southwest China and its evolutionary implications. Palaeoworld, 23: 263-275.
(45) Zhang Yi-chun, Shi G.R., Shen Shu-zhong, Yuan Dong-xun, 2014. Permian Fusuline Fanua from the Lower Part of the Lugu Formation in the Central Qiangtang Block and its Geological. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 88: 365-379.
(46) Zhang Yang, Zhang Ke-xin, Shi G.R., He Wei-hong, Yuan Dong-xun, Yue Ming-liang, Yang Ting-lu, 2014. Restudy of conodont biostratigraphy of the Permian-Triassic boundary section in Zhongzhai, southwestern Guizhou Province, South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 80: 75-83.
(47) 张予杰, 朱同兴, 袁东勋, 张以春, 2014. 西藏申扎地区二叠系下拉组中吴家坪期化石的发现及其意义. 地层学杂志, 23: 263-275.
(48) Claudio G., Angiolini L., Shen Shu-zhong, Gaia C., Yuan Dongxun, Bahrammanesh M., Abbasi S., Birjandi M., 2014. Additional brachiopod findings from thr Lopingian succession of the Ali Basin Mountains, NW Iran. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 120: 119-126.
(49) Shen Shu-zhong, Yuan Dong-xun, Henderson C.M., Tazawa J., Zhang Yi-chun, 2013. Implications of Kungurian (Early Permian) conodonts from Hatahoko, Japan, for correlation between the Tethyan and international timescales. Micropaleontology, 58: 505-522.
(50) Zhang Yi-chun, Wang Yue, Zhang Yu-jie, Yuan Dong-xun, 2013. Artinskian (Early Permian) fusuline fauna from the Rongma area in northern Tibet: palaeoclimatic and palaeobiogeographic implications. Alcheringa, 37: 529-546.
(51) Shen Shu-zhong, Cao Chang-qun, Zhang Hua, Bowring S.A., Henderson C.M., Payne J.L., Davydov V.I., Chen Bo, Yuan Dong-xun, Zhang Yi-chun, Wang Wei, Zheng Quan-feng, 2013. High-resolution δ13Ccarb chemostratigraphy from latest Guadalupian through earliest Triassic in South China and Iran. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 375: 156-165.
(52) Chen Bo, Joachimski M.M., Shen Shu-zhong, Lambert L.L., Lai Xu-long, Wang Xiang-dong, Chen Jun, Yuan Dong-xun, 2013. Permian ice volume and palaeoclimate history: Oxygen isotope proxies revisited. Gondwana Research, 24: 77-89.
(53) Shen Shu-zhong, Zhang Hua, Xiang Lei, Henderson C.M., Zheng Quan-feng, Yuan Dong-xun, Cao Chang-qun, Wang Yue, Chen Jun, 2013. Unraveling the Last Moment of the End-Permian Mass Extinction. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 87: 914.
(54) Angiolini L., Shen Shu-zhong, Bahrammanesh M., Abbasi S., Birjandi M., Crippa G., Yuan Dong-xun, Garbelli C., 2013. Report of the Chinese, Iranian, Italian working group: The Permian-Triassic boundary sections of Julfa and Zal revisited. Permophiles, 58: 34-36.
(55) 孙天任, 袁东勋, 沈树忠, 2013. 论生物学物种概念在古生物学化石鉴定中的应用问题. 古生物学报, 52: 503-511.
(56) 曹长群, 章明圆, 郑全锋, 袁东勋, 陈军, 丁奕, 2013. 湖南桑植仁村坪二叠纪Capitanian期沉积地层及环境. 地层学杂志, 37(4): 485-498.
(57) Zhang Yi-Chun, Yue Wang, Yu-Jie Zhang, Yuan Dong-xun, 2012. Kungurian (Late Cisuralian) fusuline fauna from the Cuozheqiangma area, northern Tibet and its palaeobiogeographical implications. Palaeoworld, 21: 139-152.
(58) Zhang Yi-chun, Shen Shu-zhong, Shi G.R., Wang Yue, Yuan Dong-xun, Zhang Yu-jie, 2012. Tectonic evolution of the Qiangtang Block, northern Tibet during the Late Cisuralian (Late Early Permian): Evidence from fusuline fossil records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 350-352: 139-148.
(59) 袁东勋, 沈树忠, 重庆中梁山凉风垭二叠-三叠系界线附近牙形类生物地层研究, 古生物学报, 2011. 50(4): 420-438.
(60) Zhang Yi-chun, Yuan Dong-xun, Zhai Qing-guo, 2009. The Carboniferous and Permian sequences in north and south of the Longmucuo-Shuanghu suture zone in Tibet. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 30: 94-96.
(61) Zhang Yi-chun, Yuan Dong-xun, Zhai Qing-guo, 2009. A Preliminary report of the fieldtrip on the Carboniferous-Permian sequences in the north and south of the Longmuco-Shuanghu suture zone, Northern Tibet in May and June. Permophiles, 53: 5-7.