联合主席: 陈光齐 教授,九州大学& ICADD-16
组织委员会联合主席: 张迎宾 教授,西南交通大学& ICADD-16组织委员会
秘书: 郑路 研究员,福州大学& ICADD-16组织委员会
特邀报告 《第11场)报告题目: 用于灾害管理的高效基础设施维护技术
主持 人: 庄晓莹 教授,同济大学、汉诺威大学
特 邀 专 家: Yuzo OHNISHI 名誉教授,京都大学,日本
时间: 2023年2月16日 (周四) ,16:00~16:30(北京时间,UTC+8)
特邀专家简介: Yuzo Ohmishi教授,京都大学名誉教授、前副校长,国际岩石力学与岩石工程学会 (ISRM) DDA专委会名誉主席,ISRM前副主席。1968年在京都大学获得土木工程学士学位。1973年在RE.Goodman教授的指导下于美国加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位。2011年至2014年担任ISRM副主席期间,他在评估ISRM委员会活动方面发挥了开拓性的作用。Yuzo Ohnishi教授的研究方向包括土壤和岩体的力学特性,连续和非连续的数值分析,如FEM、DEM和DDA,以及地下水模拟等,在岩石力学、岩土工程、地下水分析和数值计算领域的期刊和会议上发表了论文300余篇。
报告简价: In road disaster prevention inspections, it is important to predict as accurately as possible when.where, on what scale, and in what form a disaster will occur, but these are not easy to ascertain. Thoscinvolved in disaster management are expected to do their best to achieve the ultimate goal of preventingdisasters and minimizing damage as much as possible at every stage of the disaster management cycleprevention, mitigation, avoidance, and preventive maintenance. The key conclusions in my lecture are asfollows: (1) In managing road disasters, it is important to consider which framework to use: preventivefollow-up, or predictive. (2) ln the case of new infrastructures, it is effective to record and save theconstruction details including the construction process as 3D data based on BIM/CIM methods. In the caseof existing infrastructure, periodic inspections should be conducted, 3D data should be saved, and past dataand other data should be carefully compared from a preventive perspective. In both cases, the use of dronesis promising. (3) Many people are feeling the limitations of’ conventional 2D design, such as the lack othuman resources and the work efliciency. Hlowever, there are many barriers to a shift to 3D, and the bestway is to “get the best of both worlds” in a mixed environment of 2D) and 3D. (4) Although 3D) data isintuitive when displayed and useful for detecting defects, the hurdle for data creation is high. Howevertechnological advances have made it possible to use a varicty of equipment, and there are high expectationsfor the future. (5) Utilization of 3D data and record keeping are useful for disaster prevention ofinfrastructure, and it is hoped that they will be widely applied through case studies and education.