报告人 报告人单位 报告题目
Piotr Malkowski AGH科技大学(波兰) 煤巷底臌测量及模拟分析Floor heaving in coal mines in underground measurements and modelling
ValterCarvelli 米兰理工大学(意大利) 注浆锚固系统中砂浆力学性能及环境影响改善研究Improving the environment impact and the mechanical performance of mortars for grouting
吕创新 奥斯陆城市大学、挪威岩土所(挪威) 有效应力在饱和冻土力学特性研究中的应用Application of effective stress concept on the study of mechanical behaviours for saturated frozen soils
Piotr Malkowski,波兰AGH科技大学教授,2001年获AGH科技大学采矿工程博士学位,主要领域涉及采矿工程和地质工程。Piotr教授曾获8次AGH科技大学校长奖(个人及团队),2017年获全国教育委员会奖章,2021年进入全球2%顶尖科学家名单。他曾经主持/参与了超过380项煤矿工程项目,主要涉及井巷支护(尤其是锚杆支护)、岩爆灾害防治、巷道稳定性评估、地下结构监测、以及地下采矿对地表建筑物的影响等。作为共同作者为矿山相关企业编撰了超过180份涉及岩石性质(力学性能、透气性、膨胀性等)的报告。Piotr教授迄今发表有150项出版物,包括期刊论文、会议论文和专著,他同时是著名期刊Archives of Mining Sciences编委,多次担任国际采矿会议的秘书及主席。此外,他也是波兰国家矿业管理局在锚杆支护设计、岩爆灾害评价、井巷稳定分析等领域的权威专家。
Valter Carvelli,米兰理工大学建筑、建筑环境与建筑工程系教授,1999年获米兰理工大学结构工程博士学位,当前主要研究方向为建筑复合材料应用、纤维增强聚合物、增强型胶结材料、3D打印混凝土等。Valter教授发表有90余篇相关期刊(会议)论文及书籍章节,是国际期刊Experimental Techniques的2018年年度最佳论文获得者。他在各向异性材料及相关结构的力学性能研究方面有着丰富的实验表征及有限元模拟经验。他是欧洲复合材料学会成员,作为访问学者曾在德国航空航天研究所(德国)、蒙斯大学(比利时)、同志社大学(日本)、凯泽斯劳滕理工大学(德国)和鲁汶大学(比利时)从事相关研究。曾担任同志社大学(日本)、奥卢大学(芬兰)及凯泽斯劳滕理工大学(德国)的客座教授。
吕创新,奥斯陆城市大学土木工程专业副教授,挪威岩土所(NGI)项目工程师,丹麦科技大学、北海道大学等机构访问学者。硕士毕业于国王阿卜杜拉科技大学,博士毕业于挪威科技大学。主要研究领域有:复杂环境下岩土力学行为追踪、宏细观尺度下多孔介质的多场耦合机理、多源波在多孔介质中的传播与信号解析。他曾参与多项来自于欧盟、挪威基金委及挪威企业界的项目,包括遥感侦测海洋岩土技术、北欧海洋采矿研究、桩基稳定及相关岩土对气候敏感性的分析、多场耦合岩土测试新型仪器开发研究等。相关研究成果发表在Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth、Géotechnique、Acta Geotechnica等权威期刊。
Floor heaving in coal mines in underground measurements and modelling
Abstract: The phenomenon of the floor upheaval occurs in practice in every type of rock mass and at every depth, accompanying the process of excavation of tunnels and headings. It restrains or sometimes entirely precludes mining operations in a roadway. To quantify the effect of the selected factors on floor upheaval, the in-situ measurements were carried out in three coal mine roadways at 15 measuring stations. The underground research were carried out in different geological conditions what allowed to show the various rock behavior, especially there, where waterlogged rock existed or the rock mass was disturbed geologically by faults. The statistical and numerical modelling were conducted as well as laboratory test on wet rocks to describe the phenomenon in the best way.
Improving the environment impact and the mechanical performance of mortars for grouting
Abstract: The development of grouting materials allowed a wider application of cement and silica based grout mixtures in rock mass excavations. To address the considerable environmental impact of such cement-based mortars production and, at the same time, to enhance their mechanical properties, two paths have been suggested, namely: reinforcing the matrix by recycled short fibers, and substituting the cement-based matrix with inorganic cementitious binders from steel and ironmaking side streams.The seminar will cover the proposal and characterization of mortar mixtures with environmental benefits following both research paths, showing the improvements obtained with:-cement mortar reinforced with reclaimed carbon fibers and prepreg carbon waste;-mortar manufactured with alkali-activated ladle slag from steel-making processes, enhancing the mechanical properties by polypropylene fibers reinforcement.
Application of effective stress concept on the study of mechanical behaviours for saturated frozen soils
Abstract: Frozen saline clay consists of significant unfrozen water content at subzero temperature,and it is sensitive to the temperature variation because of freezing point depression. In addition, it is of the main deposit in Longyearbyen town, Svalbard, Norway where around 2000 inhabitants reside and have great concern on infrastructure damages on the degrading permafrost. Therefore, the mechanical study of frozen saline clay at various time and spatial scale is quite important. However, several issues have not been fully addressed in the past several decades of frozen soil study: (1) unfrozen water content estimate, (2) the boundary conditions for standard triaxial test procedure, (3) pore pressure measurement with the cooperation of ‘effective’ stress concept, (4) few field-scale tests to determine the long-term settlement of foundations in permafrost, (5) difficulties in natural permafrost sampling, collection and reservation for laboratory testing, (6) systematic procedure for the estimate of permafrost degrading and induced consequences for Arctic communities. In this report, the speaker would focus on these research problems and suggest potential approaches to tackle them.