《The frontier of geotechnical engineering》 – BJTU Series Online Academic Open Lectures
Fundamental Behavior of Unsaturated Widely-Graded Soil
● Date:Sep 4, 2022 (Sun). 09:00 – 12:00AM (GMT+8, Beijing Time).
● Organize Institute: Key Laboratory of Urban Underground Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University.● Contact Person: Dr. DU Saizhao(dusz@bjtu.edu.cn)
Beijing Jiaotong University.Director of the Subgrade Engineering Research Institute.
Prof LI Xu is a professor, doctoral supervisor, director of the geotechnical laboratory, and director of the Subgrade Engineering Research Institute of Beijing Jiaotong University. He mainly engaged in traffic geotechnical engineering, special soil mechanics, numerical calculation of geotechnical engineering, and risk assessment. He received the first “Huang Wenxi – Chen Zongji” Geo-mechanics Youth Award and the first prize in natural science from the Ministry of Education. Prof. L is an author of over 70 international journal papers.
This talk focuses on the engineering properties of unsaturated widely graded soils and their influence on slope stability. This book characterizes the natural widely graded colluvial soils from macroscale, mesoscale, and microscale viewpoints, introduces the techniques for measuring hydro-mechanical properties for unsaturated widely graded colluvial soils, and clarifies the hydro-mechanical behavior and the failure mechanism of widely graded colluvial soils subjected to environmental loads. This book improves the understanding of rainfall-induced landslides on natural slopes. Researchers and engineers in the field of civil engineering can benefit from the book.
《Frontier of geotechnical engineering》 is an English-taught doctoral program module in geotechnical engineering at BJTU. This module is served as one of the course basis to host BJTU Series Online Academic Open Lectures. This course is also opened to the public. All interested students or researchers are welcome to attend FREE without any registration.
“所谓大学者,非谓有大楼之谓也,有大师之谓也。”大学有教书育人的良师,有浓厚的学习和研究氛围。与中学相比,大学学习对个人的主动性要求增强,有更加多样化的获取知识的渠道。听讲座就是与名师对话的重要方式之一。通过听讲座,能够获取知识,开拓视野,获得新的思维方法和对问题的深入见解。秉承这一思想,北京交通大学土建学院岩土工程系特依托北京交通大学博士研究生英文课程《 “The frontier of geotechnical engineering”》,特举办北京交通大学岩土工程学术前沿系列讲座简介。“独乐乐不如众乐乐”,本课程特向校内外的专家和学生开放,自由参加,自由交流!
● 讲座周期:2022年09月04日~12月18日(周日),每周一次
● 讲座时间:每周日上午9:00-12:00点,共16次。
● 讲座报告人校外邀请专家:香港科技大学张利民教授、赵吉东教授、王刚教授,香港城市大学王宇教授,新加坡国立大学CHIAN Siau Chen教授,马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校张国平教授等。
● 讲座内容伴随着我国经济的飞速发展,建筑行业在国民经济中所占的比重越来越大,各种大型公共建筑、地下空间开发利用、住宅产业、城市地下交通、地下综合管廊等设计规划及综合施工建设项目层出不穷,作为工程建设中最为关键的岩土工程也得到了快速的发展,为岩土工程行业提供了较为广阔的市场空间。